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How to Stop Copying a Leader?
Updated over a week ago

How to Stop Copying a Leader?

a) A subscriber can stop following a selected signal source in one of two ways:

i) Stop Copying Manually

(1) Go to My Activity section – Top right corner of the Cooma window.

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(2) For the chosen leader, click on the three dots at the end of the line and select Stop Copy.

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(3) A new window will pop-up prompting you to confirm your choice and that all open trades copied from that leader will be closed. To proceed, click on the Stop Copy button.

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(4) Once the follower stopped copying the chosen leader, a success window will be displayed.

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ii) Stop Copying Automatically

(1) A follower has the ability to choose the desired maximum drawdown when copying a specific leader. It can be done either before following a leader or even once they’re actively following one.

(2) When a copied trade is closed and profits and losses are realised, the system automatically checks the follower’s total P&L from that leader against the chosen maximum drawdown.

(3) If the maximum drawdown has been reached, then the system automatically stops copying new trades from that leader. Any copied trades from that leader, which are still open on the market will be automatically closed when the leader closes them or can be closed manually by the follower whenever they wish.

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